Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pretty Fly for a White Guy

Going to the park in under 40 degree weather?
Bad idea.
Have pink noses and snot everywhere isn't that pleasant.
But it was fun going to the park.
My boyfriend and I think that my boyfriend, my sister, a bud of hers, and me that we need to go on a road trip somewhere away from this small town just for a bit.
I can just see it. All of us cramped into a car, bickering over stupid little things, and eating nasty gas station food. But i think we should definitely do it. A lot of good memories would come from it.(:
My mind keeps bouncing and forth from things because I'm listening to the song, Pretty Fly, and it gets distraction.
Unicorn Playland may seem a little different but in my mind it makes perfect sense.
One day in Digital Photography we had to make a movie poster and we could make up a movie and i love the game, Robot Unicorn Attack (I even have a shirt), so i was like awesome idea, Unicorn Playland.
I plan on making it a movie.
It'll win a lot of awards. Just watch.(:

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